Scott Clary

Join 200,000+ readers, discussing mental models, performance, business and entrepreneurship.

Feb 25 • 1 min read

My Other Newsletter: The 10 Minute MBA

Hey all,

In case you weren't aware, I actually write a second newsletter.

It's called the 10 Minute MBA – a daily newsletter that teaches practical business and entrepreneurial lessons you can apply immediately.

While this newsletter focuses on mental models and frameworks that reshape how you think, the 10 Minute MBA delivers daily, actionable tactics that help you execute.

Here's what makes it worth your time:

  • No fluff, just practical business lessons
  • Takes exactly 10 minutes to read each day
  • Focuses on strategies you can implement immediately

I believe the best results come from combining big-picture thinking with daily execution. My newsletter helps with the former, and the 10 Minute MBA excels at the latter.

If that sounds useful to you:

Check out the 10 Minute MBA →

Great thinking needs great execution.

– Scott

Join 200,000+ readers, discussing mental models, performance, business and entrepreneurship.

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