You want to be relevant now?
Know what issues your sales and marketing leaders are dealing with.
Marketing & CS investments: Marketing needs to be very sensitive to our current situation. Messaging has to be in line with nurturing relationships with customers who are adversely affected and selling to those who are still up and running.
A 360 review of marketing: What will you stop? What will you start? What will you continue? What will you do differently? Don’t be surprised if decision makers are pivoting and changing minds often.
People strategy: What do we do with the people who we’ll eventually need? Do we RIF or furlough?
PR opportunities: Trade publications, webinars. Getting into major outlets or major events costs less than ever.
Mental wellbeing: Being able to mimic social interactions and keep people engaged and fit, both mentally and physically will be top of mind.
Virtual and interactive: Not only are people attempting to run events, remotely, but marketers are looking for tools to hyper engage and bring their audiences into the event, giving the same level of experience as they’d get in person.
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