Here’s the top 5 reasons why.
Want to start a company? It takes a special kind of person to be a successful founder.
Most people fail…. here’s 5 reasons why.
1. An ideal founder is a convergence of the 4C’s: Curiosity, Commitment, Creativity, and Confidence. (Greg Pass)
They form the foundation of self-reinvention in the face of challenges and market evolution.
4Cs prioritizes multifaceted over multifocal thinking.
2. 4-Gate Model Of Prosperity (Josh Go, Chiqui Escareal-Go)
Like every person, an entrepreneur goes through different phases of evolution as they approach: Preparation, Marketing, Execution, and Self-Leadership.
As founders advance in their journey, challenges internalize as they move towards self-fulfillment.
3. Four Lenses Strategic Framework (Vincent Dawans)
Not all business decisions can be evaluated from single/multifocal or macro/micro frames.
A founder must ace at evaluating through finance, market, competitive advantage, and operational POV.
Equal weightage to all 4 minimizes systematic threats.
4. Business Engineering (Tim Brown)
A startup owner must don the hats of a business operator/admin, strategist, and technology specialist.
They must act as a business engineer that implements design thinking, transitional business modelling, and technology adoption.
T-shaped skills for the win.
5. Asymmetric Betting (Mohnish Pabrai)
“One of the biggest mistakes smart engineers make is optimizing a thing that should not exist.” ― Elon Musk
Small, reversible experiments (bets) that have the potential to drive abundant growth are the key drivers of disruption.
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